MLM Success for MLM Blogs- MLM Success- The REAL Secret
What REALLY is the Secret to MLM Success?
Doug Firebaugh
After 22 years in this industry, 14 years fulltime in MLM, and 7 years learn some things. Sometimes they are NOT what you want to learn, but yet, you must learn. The road has been an interesting one, and a blessing in disguise. There have been so many people that I have watched come and go in Network Marketing, and many disillusioned. You may know some as well.
Success is something that we all seek, and want for our lives.
Success in Finances.
Success in Health.
Success in Spiritual Values- (I HOPE you want that!)
Success in Career.
Success in all you engage.
Success in Relationships...
The list goes on and on. But so many in MLM never find their pot of gold. They end up finding a pot of sludge. That is typical today in MLM, because they have broken a very important Law in Network Marketing. This Law is one that MUST be adhered to, and if you don't you will fail in your home business.
Ok...what is that Law?
The Law of Connection.
That is it. Simple but Powerful. ALL millionaires in MLM have had something that the others have not. ALL millionaires in MLM have done something that most don't do.
Many people say they have "their heart" in the business. That is NOT good enough.
Many people have said "I come from the heart." That is NOT good enough.
Many people have said that they "put their heart" in everything they do in MLM." That isn't even close to enough.
Here is the Secret....
Your Heart MUST be CONNECTED to the Industry, Company, and Products, in a way that you are NOT just in the business. You MUST be walking in a 'Heart Destiny" and nothing will, or can stop you. No exceptions.
The most powerful computer in the world cannot run, if not CONNECTED to the Power that brings it Voltage to turn it on for the tasks it does.
The most spacious house in the world cannot be what it is supposed to be without the Voltage that it needs to stay warm and comforatble in the winter, and cool in summer. Let alone what the TV requires or personal computer.
It requires CONNECTION to the "the juice." That is why you MUST have the right heart connection. It contains the JUICE and Voltage you need to Succeed.
The moment that MLM is not longer just something that 'you do", but becomes a part of who you are, everything changes.
I call it "The Shift."
You whole world shifts into a Power and Focus that can only be a product of the heart. Many people have said that this business is about mindset.
I disagree.
It is about Heart Set. We say that you must have the right "Heart Condition."
Is your Heart REALLY connected to the Success Potentail in MLM? Is it REALLY connected to the vision of your company? Is it REALLY connected to your products and services?
Those that CONNECT are connecting to the True Power of Success, and everything shifts after that.
People will start responding to you in a more positive manner.
People will stop being so negative with you, due to the New Presence you have in MLM.
People will pay closer attention to your words, as they sense the importance of what you are saying.
People will be magnetized to listen more intently..Yes there is a major Shift in everything with a powerful Heart Connection...It ALL shifts...
Including your paycheck.
The stronger and deeper the connection is....the more zeroes are in your paycheck!
CONNECTION- Most never will. But those that do....
Get Rich.
All wealth is a by product of a Strong Heart Connection to something, no matter what is it. You are driven to Succeed. You do what you normally would not be willing to do. You go at a pace that you never have before.
And you find a Passion you never knew existed.
The CONNECTION unleashes that Passion in all you do, and no longer are you willing to settle for mediocrity and average. No longer are you willing to settle....period.
Now you know The Secret.
Do you have the right Heart Condition and Connection?
If you do....
Success is at your daily beckoning.
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